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JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography
JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography
Jeannette Andrea Jackson JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography

Hello and welcome to
JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography

I am an inspired visual artist & travel photographer who is loving sharing my visual creative captures and travel sojourning experiences from various times I have travelled to Japan. 


I especially love capturing beloved Japan's beautiful Architecture ~ Japanese Castles, Japanese Castle Towns, Japanese Shinto Shrines, Japanese Buddhist Temples, Japanese Gardens. Japanese Samurai influences.


Japanese Historical and Cultural Events. Japanese Arts & Theatre - Kabuki (歌舞伎, かぶき), Noh (能, Nō). 

Budō(武道)(Japanese Martial Arts) ~ Iaidō (居合道), Sumo (相撲, sumō), Karate Do (空手道), Aikido (合気道, aikidō), Ninjutsu (忍術) - ninpō (忍法), Judo (柔道, Jūdō), Kyūdō (弓道), Naginata (長刀) - Konaginata and Onaginata, Japanese Swords - Nihontô 日本刀,  Japanese Armours - Yoroi (鎧) and other related Japanese history.


I look forward in time to experiencing and capturing much more of the beauty, soul and spirit of Japan in future sojourns and sharing them. 


I also love sharing and inspiring visually and creatively visual captures from other countries I have sojourned to over the years and also sharing my other mediums of artworks.


I am excitedly looking towards developing and leading small group tours in Japan in the future based on my own personal travel experiences and destinations there like I have mentioned above.

Thanks and best

Jeannette Andrea Jackson

Jeannette Andrea Jackson JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography


Iaido JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography
JAJ Sojourns Travel Photography


I love helping and assisting others by sharing my personal travel sojourns hints and tips and to express and share my visual creativity through the lens of my own personal travel experience captures and because behind every picture there is a story to tell and as such I am always looking to experiencing new and exciting travel and photography opportunities..

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© JAJ Sojourns Website 2021 Created and Designed by Jeannette Andrea Jackson. All JAJ Sojourn Photos & Videos © 1997 to 2022 onwards by Jeannette Andrea Jackson | All Rights Reserved

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